How Can I Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss?
Losing a significant amount of weight can be a major step toward improved health, but after working so hard to achieve this major weight loss, some people feel defeated due to the appearance of loose skin around their body. This reduction in skin elasticity results from excess weight stretching the skin over time, leading to irreversible changes in the skin’s structure. Even with weight loss and rigorous exercise, the skin may not completely shrink back to normal. This is a common aesthetic concern for patients who undergo dramatic weight loss, either from bariatric surgery or through diet and exercise.
To help tighten loose skin and address any remaining pockets of excess fat, our team at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery offers a variety of body contouring after weight loss surgeries. Common techniques used in this type of procedure include arm lifts, thigh lifts, and body lifts, such as tummy tucks. Unfortunately, patients who lose a significant amount of weight typically cannot achieve sufficient skin tightening through non-surgical means. However, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Neil J. Zemmel, is highly experienced with performing body sculpting procedures to help give patients the finishing touches on their new body structure.
Our team takes pride in their ability to help men and women achieve a boost in self-confidence by helping them see the impact of their weight loss efforts through skin removal and tightening surgeries. Dr. Zemmel encourages anyone struggling with loose skin after their major weight loss to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon to learn about their options.